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Moving & Storage Companies

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Moving & storage companies – what to look for

Moving & storage companies are readily available with the advances in technology, but there are several important things that the company should have to guarantee that your relocation is uneventful. Free estimates should be given so that you can compare the company with the best charges. However, it is important to note that although cheap is expensive when it comes to the service offered, expensive does not always mean better. It is therefore advisable that you ‘shop around’ to come up with the best deal. You should also receive copy of the policies of different companies so that you can find a company that fits your specific needs.

When looking for moving & storage companies, make sure that the company of choice has a good insurance policy. This way, you will not lose your belongings if they are damaged due to water, pest or fire problems and also due to theft. It also means you will not lose your belongings if they are damaged physically during while in transit and during on loading and off loading and incase of theft. Some moving & storage companies try to exempt themselves from blame incase of damage or theft. You should therefore examine the fine print critically and if you cannot do this, have your lawyer do it for you.

You should look for moving & storage companies that provide a comprehensive moving service. The company should have a storage facility, it should have auto-shipping services if you do not want to drive your car to the new home for one reason or the other, it should have a truck rental service, packing, loading and off loading, etc. Some moving & storage companies outsource some of their services such as truck rental services, but it is advisable to go for companies that offer the services directly because such companies tend to be cheaper and there is less likelihood of theft, hidden charges and other complications.

You should look at the truck that different moving & storage companies are using because some trucks are just hazardous. Even if your belongings are insured, insurance companies may fail to pay and/or you may lose things that are irreplaceable. For this reason, insist that the truck be fit for the job. You should consider the driver and those doing the loading and off loading. This is because it is a fact that most burglaries are done by people who know you or people who know where you live and what you have.

The storage facility should be in accordance to your specific needs. Since moving & storage companies charge according to the space used, you do not want a situation where you are given more space than required. The storage facility should be free from pests and it should be protected against water and fire damage. Security is an important feature – you should be the only one with keys to your container and the storage facility should have adequate electronic and human surveillance.

Go to for online quotations on the best moving companies and for information on how to look for the best moving & storage companies.

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